Updated: Book written about Winston.

Mark Scott-Nash wrote a book about Winston. It is available on Amazon.com and a print addition will available soon. Forty-Demons: The Final Journey of Winston Branko Churchill

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Gathering on 7/12 in Silverton, CO to remember Winston (from Karen H.)

It was a truly beautiful gathering of friends last night in Silverton. About 45 people turned out. People really stepped up and spoke their hearts, told stories and raised their glasses (and coffee cups) to remember Winston. The remembrances ranged from recalling his technical
skill on a mountain bike to many experiences of trying to keep up with him on the snow. Many remembered his smiling face over their routine morning coffee. Many had shared life affirming and outrageous adventures with him.

The service ended with an incredibly vivid rainbow off the side of Kendall Mountain. We then blasted some DJ Verifine mixes of Winston's until after the sun had disappeared behind Anvil Peak. The whole gathering really conjured a feeling of his presence among us.

Thank you to Lyn and Eric for donating the Kaladi coffee and tea. Thank you to everyone who came. Winston is right...Silverton IS the best place on earth.

We really miss Winston, but we will keep a bit of his best legacy alive in these mountains where, we all agreed, we got to share some really good years with him

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