Updated: Book written about Winston.

Mark Scott-Nash wrote a book about Winston. It is available on Amazon.com and a print addition will available soon. Forty-Demons: The Final Journey of Winston Branko Churchill

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

To catch you all up to speed...

This blog was started because of the course of events of Winston's life this past year. As many of you all know, Winston closed the doors of Mobius Cafe & Cycles in Silverton, CO in December 2007 and headed back up to Lakewood, CO. There, he experienced a time of inner exploration and working on his book. In June 2008, he decided to hike the Colorado Trail, a 500 mile trail from Denver to Durango. Throughout his backpacking course, Winston periodically stayed in touch with Shanna and myself (Jonathan), and together we assisted him in his trek via sending food & gear packages, etc. Although the exact purpose of Winston's desire to hike the trail is unclear, we have reason to believe that his recent "disappearance" into the deep wilderness of the San Juan mountain range could be one of self destruction. From the last phone messages Shanna and I received from Winston, he was tearful and sad, stating that he "no longer needed anything anymore." Shanna and I decided to contact the local Sheriff's department in Hinsdale County (Lake City, CO) which then prompted a foot search totaling over 250 hours in search of Winston. That search took place around the end of August/early September. The only information from their search was surfaced by contact with a local sheep herder who verified by description Winston, hiking in the Elk Creek drainage (Uncompahgre Wilderness), heading towards the Big Blue drainage (which is northerly), but that he (Winston) had plans to come back to Lake City in about a week. This would estimate that Winston was due back in Lake City around Sept. 8th or so but no word of/from him since.

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