Updated: Book written about Winston.

Mark Scott-Nash wrote a book about Winston. It is available on Amazon.com and a print addition will available soon. Forty-Demons: The Final Journey of Winston Branko Churchill

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Winston at Mobius Cafe & Cycles in 2007


granola girl said...

I used to work for winston and he changed my life for the better. He introduced me to yoga, good coffee, good food, kombucha, recycling, work ethic, the idea of a small community, biking, extreme biking (not winston extreme, im not to that level yet!). All i have to say is that my thoughts are on him, be he alive or other.... he was an amazing person and he influenced my life for the better and I know I would not be the same had i never met the guy. He was a troubled soul, but at least he left a young soul with a lot of wise knowledge to use, grow with, and share. Thanks to everyone looking for him. He will always be in my heart.

VT said...

Very well said granola girl. I feel the same way about Winston..